MPSC MES Mains:Civil engineering Important books

mpsc civil engineering Mains

MPSC conduct Maharashtra engineering services examination commonly known as MES.For recruitment in various civil engineering departments.We’ll discuss about MPSC MES Mains examination.

For the final selection applicants must complete two phases of the examination followed by an interview

  • Maharashtra engineering services (MES) Prelims (100 marks)
  • Maharashtra engineering services (MES) Mains (400 marks)
  • Personal Interview (50 marks)

Let’s talk about MPSC MES Mains exam. Mpsc prelims exam is only qualifying in nature but the most important part is mains examination. Because it is the deciding factor for selection.Top marks in mains examination confirms the selection of post.

For MPSC civil engineering prelims Important points click on link

Posts for Which MPSC MES Exam conducted

Maharashtra engineering services exam is conducted to recruit engineers in different Maharashtra government departments. Here’s is list,

Public Works Department

1.Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE)

2.Assistant Engineer-1 (AE-1)

3.Assistant Engineer-2 (AE-2)

Water Resource Department

1.Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE)

2. Assistant Engineer-1 (AE-1)

Soil and Water conservation Department

3. Assistant Engineer-2 (AE-2)

1 .Sub Divisonal water conservation officer

2. Water conservation officer

MPSC Prelims detailed syllabus click here

MPSC mains Detailed Syllabus click here

Understading MPSC Mains exam

MPSC Civil engineering mains exam is different from other exams.

There are 20 subjects for the exam which divides entire Civil engineering syllabus in parts.

Speciality mpsc mes mains exam is , All the subjects have nearly equal weightage!

So preparaing for Mains exam becomes tricky.It requires proper planning with accurate strategy.

Suppose you are very good in some subjects i.e. like Geotechnical engineering or Environmental engineering but that subjects are too lengthy. If you more focused on such subjects it will be very time consuming.

On the other hand , some subjects are very short which can be completed within short period.

So the conclusion is , You require detailed study of syllabus and exam pattern with previous year question pattern.

Let’s see subject wise weightage,

MPSC Mains subject wise weightage of marks

Paper 1

SubjectMarks (approx)
Strength of materials (SOM)22
Structural analysis+ Theory of structures (TOS)44
Reinforced cement concrete (RCC)22
Prestressed Concrete 22
Steel Structures22
Construction planning and management (CPM)22
Building construction and materials22
Numerical method22

Paper 2

SubjectMarks (Approx)
Geotechnical Engineering18
Highway Engineering18
Irrigation Engineering18
Engineering Environment18
Fluid mechanics18
Fluid machines18
Estimating,costing and valuation18
Tunnel Engineering18
Bridge Engineering18

One thing you must be observed from above charts, that all subjects have nearly equal weightage.

List of books to refer for MPSC civil engineering mains exam

Paper 1

Building materials and concrete technologySK Duggal / Class notes
Building ConstructionBC punmia/Rangwala*
Strength of materialsR.S. khurmi / R.K. Bansal /Made easy*
Reinforced cement concrete (RCC)Iitians Academy / BC punmia
Prestressed ConcreteMade easy / N krishna raju
Steel StructuresMade easy + SK Duggal
Construction planning and management (CPM)Made easy class notes + Vidyasagar academy notes
Numerical methodMade easy maths book
Theory of structures + structural analysisMade easy notes

Paper 2

Geotechnical EngineeringMade easy class notes*/SK garg
Highway EngineeringRangwala/ Justo and khanna
SurveyingSK Duggal (Vol 1&2) / Made easy book
HydrologyMade easy book*/
K subrmanyam
Irrigation EngineeringBc punmia*/ Made easy book
Engineering EnvironmentAce academy volume 1 book*/ Made easy class notes
Fluid mechanicsR.K. Bansal* / Made easy class notes
Fluid machinesR.K. Bansal* / Vidyasagar academy notes
Estimating,costing and valuationBN Dutta
Tunnel EngineeringSrinavasan
Bridge EngineeringRangwala

Objective books For practice

  • IES previous year questions ( Made Easy / IES master book)
  • MPSC previous year questions book
  • Ace academy volume 2
  • GATE previous year 1 mark Questions

2 thoughts on “MPSC MES Mains:Civil engineering Important books”

  1. Pingback: Mpsc mes preparation civil engineering : During Lockdown | Civilmania

  2. Pingback: MPSC MES Prelims topicwise marks analysis (subjectwise weightage)

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