Surveying and levelling multiple choice practice questions

SURVEYING Multiple choice Questions for practice

1. The Random errors tend to accumulate proportionally to


2. Different grades are joined together by a


3. In direct method of contouring, the process of locating or identifying points lying on a contour is called


4. Which of the following methods of contouring is most suitable for a hilly terrain?


5. In levelling operations


6. Contour interval is


7. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:


8. Detailed plotting is generally done by


9. The chord of a curve less than peg interval, is known as


10. Contour interval is


11. If the reduced bearing of a line AB is N60°W and length is 100 m, then the latitude and departure
respectively of the line AB will be


12. After fixing the plane table to the tripod, the main operations which are needed at each plane
table station are
(1) Levelling
(2) Orientation
(3) Centering
The correct sequence of these operations is


13. The size of a plane table is


14. The line of sight is kept as high above ground surface as possible to minimise the error in the
observed angles due to


15. Check lines (or proof lines) in Chain Surveying, are essentially required


16. The smaller horizontal angle between the true meridian and a survey line, is known


17. The line of collimation method of reduction of levels, does not provide a check on


18. If the smallest division of a vernier is longer than the smallest division of its primary scale, the
vernier is known as


19. There are two stations A and B. Which of the following statements is correct?


20. A lemniscate curve between the tangents will be transitional throughout if the polar deflection
angle of its apex, is


21. For the construction of highway (or railway)


22. Which of the following methods of theodolite traversing is suitable for locating the details which
are far away from transit stations?


23. To avoid large centering error with very short legs, observations are generally made


24. The line normal to the plumb line is known as


25. The two point problem and three point problem are methods of


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