MPSC MES Prelims topicwise marks analysis (subjectwise weightage)

We have analysed MPSC MES prelims topicwise marks with detailed subjectwise mark distribution given below. Syllabus is going to change after this year,there will be new Syllabus for Maharashtra engineering services 2021 prelims exam.So probably this is the last exam with old syllabus.

Maharashtra engineering services exam is conducted by MPSC in three stages i.e. Prelims, mains and Interview.The candidates are chosen from the following departments:

  • Civil engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Electrical engineering

MPSC MES prelims topicwise marks Distribution

However the exam is quite focused,One must need to study previous year question paper for the smarter preparation strategy.Once you have complete knowledge of question pattern and exam trends, It will be easier to decide what to study and how much to study.

Update : For MPSC technical services prelims (MPSC gazetted technical services combined prelims Mark distribution ) click here

MPSC MES Exam pattern

First understand the exam pattern, Maharashtra engineering services is a objective type exam consists of three stages prelims ,mains and interview.In preliminary stage there is one objective paper consisting combined syllabus of all engineering branches.

Name of the paperQuestions Duration Marks
1Maharashtra engineering services Prelims 1001 hour 200
2Maharashtra engineering services Mains
Paper 1 (Technical)1002 hour200
Paper 2 (Technical)1002 hour200

MPSC MES prelims detailed syllabus click here

MPSC MES mains detailed syllabus click here

MPSC MES prelims topicwise marks Analysis

The syllabus and exam pattern has changed from 2017 so we have 2017,2018 and 2019 exam papers for the analysis purpose.

Check here : MPSC MES prelims syllabus

Let’s discuss about Syllabus in brief,

It consists of two sections : Technical (Related to engineering field) and Non technical.

Technical Non technical
Engineering Mathematics Marathi
Engineering Mechanics English
Basic civil engineering General studies
Basic Mechanical Engineering
Basic Electrical engineering

MPSC MES prelims Subjectwise weightage

Non technical section


Passage5 marks5 marks5 marks
Synonyms and antonyms1 Mark1 Mark1 Mark
म्हणी आणि वाक्‌प्रचार2 marks2 marks
व्याकरण4 marks2 marks2 marks
Total 10 marks10 Marks10 Marks


Passage5 marks5 marks5 marks
Synonyms and antonyms1 Mark3 Marks
Idioms and Phrases1 Mark2 Marks
Articles 2 marks3 marks
Grammar 2 Marks1 Mark
Total10 Mars10 Marks10 Marks

General studies

History (Indian+Maharashtra)1 Marks1 Marks2 marks
Geography (Indian + Maharashtra)1 Mark2 marks3 Marks
Polity2 Marks4 Marks1 Mark
Economics2 marks3 marks
Environment 4 Marks2 Marks
Current Affairs 4 Marks5 Mark7 Marks
Total20 Mars20 Marks20 Marks

Technical section

Applied Mechanics

Force and Force Systems 4 Marks5 Marks5 marks
Centroid , Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia 2 Marks1 Mark1 Mark
Friction 3 Marks1 Mark2 Marks
Rectilinear and Curvilinear motion3 marks4 marks3 Marks
Work,Energy,Impulse and Momentum 2 Marks3 Marks3 Marks
Total14 marks14 Marks14 Marks

Applied mathematics

Matrices2 Marks3 Marks3 marks
Partial differentiation 2 Marks2 Marks2 Marks
Applications of partial differentiation 6 Marks5 Marks2 Marks
Linear differential equations 2 marks3 marks3 Marks
Numerical integration and DUIS1 Mark1 Mark2 Marks
Double and triple integration 2 marks2 Marks4 Marks
Total15 marks16 Marks16 Marks

Basic mechanical engineering

Thermodynamics 1 Mark1 Mark
Heat transfer1 Mark2 Marks1 Mark
Power plants2 Marks1 mark
Machine elements 1 mark2 marks1 Mark
Power transmission devices 2 Mark1 Mark
Mechanism 1 Mark1 Mark1 Mark
Material science 1 Mark1 Mark2 marks
Machine tools2 Marks 1 Mark
Manufacturing Processes1 Mark1 Mark2 Marks
Total10 marks10 Marks10 Marks

Basic electrical engineering

DC circuits 2 Marks2 Marks3 marks
AC circuits 4 Marks3 Marks2 Marks
Three phase circuits 3 Marks3 Marks2 Marks
Single phase transformer 2 marks2 marks3 Marks
Total11 marks10 Marks10 Marks

Basic civil engineering

Building Materials and concrete technology 2 Marks3 Marks5 marks
Substructure,superstructure and Automation2 Marks3 Marks1 Mark
Surveying and maps 2 Marks2 Marks
Levelling, countouring and GIS4 marks2 marks1 Mark
Surveying instruments2 Marks1 Mark
Total11 marks10 Marks10 Marks

MPSC MES Previous year analysis ( Numerical vs Theory)

Numericals 201720182019
Mathematics 141411
Mechanics 315
Basic electrical engineering 355
Basic civil engineering 22
Basic mechanical engineering 1

Mpsc civil engineering books list : MPSC MES exam books (Mains)

MPSC civil engineering Prelims overall analysis

Theory 787779
Numericals 222321

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